About Trail & Trials UK

All Yamaha Air Cooled TY Trials Bikes

All Yamaha XT & TT Trail & Enduro Bikes

All Yamaha Air Cooled DT Trail Bikes

All Honda TL TLR RTL & Seeley Trials Bikes

And the (other!) great Love of My Life the Kawasaki KT250 (My first trials bike and I still own it, currently undergoing restoration along with the other 3)

If you have any questions JUST ASK!!!!
We are a commercial concern and have been successfully trading at shows, by mail order and on eBay since 2001. We stopped selling on Ebay in 2011 due to the high costs involved and, quite frankly, the attitude of some of the buyers. When you look there now you will see a lot of listings are overpriced.
We pride ourselves on selling quality parts and having an in depth knowledge of the bikes that we sell parts for.
We are constantly adding new products and have started to manufacture a number of parts that are no longer available from the various manufacturers but be aware that we produce products up to a standard rather than down to a price
Anything special you want to see on the site please use the contact button on the left or give us a call, we like to talk to people.
Please bear in mind we are dirt bike riders not web developers, we spend our time sourcing products and riding our bikes so the site is always going to be simple and not very glamorous.
Any suggestions are, of course more than welcome.
John Cane
Trail & Trials UK Limited